Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 6, 2024
Jesus Is Returning, Coming to Take You with Himself
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 4, 2023

Rare is the scripture I have given to you, O woman!
Here I am to you, My blessed daughter, today the sun rises high over the mountains, My return is imminent.
Children of Jerusalem, stand firm in faith in Jesus Christ, do not show negative sides, give the good in you and smile,... Jesus is returning, He is coming to take you with Himself.
A new civilization will arise, faithful to Me, I Myself will lead it into My green pastures, I will give My new people happiness and infinite love, they will know the Things of God and be wise in God.
My little ones, the time has come to an end, the tents of Jerusalem will rest on the Earth and embrace the servants faithful to God.
Stand firm in your mission and divulge My anticipated return.
My children, work the Vineyard of the Lord, do not place obstacles in the way of His Work, but cooperate so that It may come to splendor in God.
My Grotto already warns you of My coming, come My children, come, organize pilgrimages to this sacred place, for, shortly, the God of Eternal Love will manifest Himself in this Grotto and open it for the transit of His faithful.
In this place I have longed for a Basilica to be built dedicated to the triumph of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I remain in expectation of this gift of yours. The Holy Spirit will expand His Light on all those who will believe these words of Mine and cooperate in its edification. Do not stand around calculating time, I AM! And I AM has only one Word!
Come jubilant to the meeting with your God Love, we will celebrate together the new life in the new Era that I will open to My children.
I must anticipate My intervention to destroy the wicked. Then I will leave time to build this Basilica, its construction will be guided by My Angels, it will only take a few days, or a few hours, for it to be raised.
The Blessed Virgin will be present in It. She will prepare Her children,the little remnant faithful to Her Son Jesus, the chosen people, for the final battle against Satan.
From here the new Church of God will depart! Houses upon houses will open, hands upon hands will work!
The Blessed Virgin will be present in these holy places, She herself will instruct God's new people. Spiritual exercises will be practiced to educate them in the Things of God!
These will be converted, the ardent desire to be heirs of God will be born in their hearts!
Beloved Ones, always pray the Holy Rosary with Mary, and supplication to My anticipated return.
Everything is ready for the fulfillment of the revealed prophecies, ... but, God's Plan is known only to God! Be obedient to Me, do not deviate from My teachings, keep My Commandments. Be holy My children, time will now fly so that you will suddenly find yourselves catapulted into a new life.
God the Father bless you. Amen.
Source: ➥